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International Program

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) International Program

The Ph. D. is the degree program for teaching at a seminary, college or university. The Ph. D. degree program prepares students for a vocation in theological teaching and scholarship by guiding them in a major research project in the area of their major concentration.

Major Concentration


Old Testament, New Testament Theology

Systematic Theology, Historical Theology

Missiology, Counseling

Pentecostal Theology, Social Welfare

Course Format

The minimum period of enrollment for Ph. D. degree program is six semester (three years).

One semester is consist of sixteen weeks. These sixteen weeks will be operated in pre-course (prioran intensive lecture), two weeks intensive course in campus, and post-course.

Each semester is consist of one course work and one seminar for two years.

One required course will be taught each semester, and each student must present a seminar paper.

The course work will be held in an intensive lecture.

From the fifth semester, students will enter dissertation writing period until its completion.

The maximum period of enrollment for Ph. D. degree program is officially 5 years. However, students can make a petition for an extension of 1 year.

 • Tuition :  USD 6,300 per semsester During the course work in Korea, there will be additional costs for accommodation and food : USD 1,200

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