Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) International Program
The Ph. D. is the degree program for teaching at a seminary, college or university. The Ph. D. degree program prepares students for a vocation in theological teaching and scholarship by guiding them in a major research project in the area of their major concentration.
Major Concentration
Old Testament, New Testament Theology
Systematic Theology, Historical Theology
Missiology, Counseling
Pentecostal Theology, Social Welfare
Course Format
▪ The minimum period of enrollment for Ph. D. degree program is six semester (three years).
▪ One semester is consist of sixteen weeks. These sixteen weeks will be operated in pre-course (prioran intensive lecture), two weeks intensive course in campus, and post-course.
▪ Each semester is consist of one course work and one seminar for two years.
▪ One required course will be taught each semester, and each student must present a seminar paper.
▪ The course work will be held in an intensive lecture.
▪ From the fifth semester, students will enter dissertation writing period until its completion.
▪ The maximum period of enrollment for Ph. D. degree program is officially 5 years. However, students can make a petition for an extension of 1 year.
• Tuition : USD 6,300 per semsester During the course work in Korea, there will be additional costs for accommodation and food : USD 1,200