About ALU

Vision and Objectives

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Vision and Objectives


Committed to declaring the Foursquare Gospel of Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ as Savior, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and C oming King), Asia LIFE University (ALU) i exists to glorify God and advance His kingdom through education and training with an emphasis on the Pentecostal perspective of equipping servants of God with both Biblical knowledge and Spiritual power that they might bring effective witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).


Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, ALU will equip the servants of God to think, speak, relate, worship and serve in a Pentecostally orthodox and orthoprax manner with the following goals in focus for each of our students:

1. To be competent, experienced and faithful servant-leaders rooted in their fundamental commitment to the Holy Scriptures.

2. To be a servant-leaders who seek to live out the Word of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ the Son of God portraying a legitimately Biblical spirituality.

3. To facilitate and nurture the development of effective servant-leaders of God within a Pentecostal framework and life-experience in God.

4. To equip international leaders with the theological education they need in order to grow and fulfill their role the world missions.

5. To become leaders and theologians who are committed toward themselves making helpful contributions towards the development of Pentecostal theology through research, study, publishing, teaching and practice .



Yong-nan Ahn, Ph. D.

PROFILE 김온유 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
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