Asia LIFE University
40, Dongseo-daero 1327beon-gil (128-1 Yongdu-Dong),
Jung-gu, Daejeon City (zip 34825),
South Korea
The applicant must be at least 21 years old and have already earned an undergraduate degree or its equivalent from a government-recognized institution.
Each applicant must meet the specific requirements of the program, to which admission is sought.
The applicant must submit the application form to the International Department with the following documents in considering for admission:
1. Proficiency in English is required. Applicants whose first language is not English are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and obtain a minimum of 71(iBT), 197(CBT), or 530(PBT).
** Applicants "must" submit the record of the result of TOEFL test.
2. Applicants must submit
1) the graduation certificate from high school, and
2) a certificate from university to verify that all courses were taught in English language.
3. Full academic records; including official transcripts with seal and certified copies of all graduate certificates.
▶ Applicant Instructions: Accreditation Certification Approval of Overseas University – Consulate Verification / Apostille Authentication
1) Applicants who graduated from universities abroad are required to submit the diploma(s) & transcript(s) that are notarized by either Apostille standards or the Korean embassy/consulate. 외국대학을 졸업한 경우 학력 관련 제출 서류가 해당국의 공문서임을 증명하는 아포스티유 확인서 또는 영사확인서를 제출하여야 합니다.
2) Guideline of Submission for Accreditation Certification Approval of Overseas University: All documents should be in Korean or English. Documents in other languages should be accompanied by a notarized Korean or English translations.
외국대학 학력검증 서류제출: 영어 외의 외국어로 작성된 서류는 영어로 번역 후 공증을 받아 함께 제출하여 주십시오.
A. Apostille Convention Country: Submit the diploma(s) & transcript(s) notarized by Apostile.
아포스티유 협약국: 아포스티유 확인을 받은 졸업증명서, 성적증명서 제출
B. Universities in Other Countries: Submit the diploma(s) & transcript(s) notarized by embassy or consulate office of Korea in the country.
아포스티유 협약국이 아닌 경우: 현지 주재 한국영사관에서 ‘재외교육기관확인서’ 또는 ‘영사확인’을 받은 졸업증명서, 성적증명서 제출
C. Universities in China: Submit an approved certificate(s) of graduation and official transcript(s) in English from Confucius Institute in Seoul (, 中国高等教育学生信息网(, or 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心 ( ※As for universities in China, it will take about 2months to issue.
중국대학: 서울공자아카데미(, 中国⾼等教育学⽣信息网(, 또는 教育部学位与研究⽣教育发展中⼼(에서 인증한 졸업증서(학위증서)와 성적증명서 제출
※중국대학은 원서 접수일 2개월 전에 신청해야 서류 접수가 가능
D. Universities in U.S.: Submit an accreditation certificate from Korean-American Educational Commission (Tel. +82-2-3275-4000) or Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA,
미국대학: 한미교육위원단(02-3275-4000) 또는 미국고등교육인준위원회(에서 발급한 대학인가확인서와 졸업증명서, 성적증명서 제출로 대체 가능
4. 3 passport size photos (not older than 1 year)
5. A personal essay of reasons for applying to ALU, your vision upon completion of study and personal testimony.
6. A 10 page (A4-size) critique of an assigned book. Writing format:
■ Font type: Times New Romans
■ Font Size: 12
■ Double spacing
■ Please go to forms download for booklist.
7. Three sets of character reference forms to be filled out by three reference:
■ Academic Reference (Reference must be a holder of Master degree or higher)
■ Home church pastor or district pastor
■ Friend
■ Please go to forms download for reference forms.
Reference nominated by the applicant will be asked to complete confidential report forms and to send them directly to ALU.
** Admission process will be processed when all "original" documents are submitted.