About ALU


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Asia LIFE University (ALU), is a Pentecostal-Evangelical and inter-denominational theological university. It was founded in 1972 as the Korea Foursquare Bible College by Rev. Ahn Kim Seen-Ok who is also the founder of Korea Foursquare Gospel Church.


Today, ALU can provide a sound theological education in three languages: Korean, English and Mandarin . Offer programs include Master of Arts in Counseling (Korean and English), Master of Arts in Religious Studies , Master of Divinity (Korean and English), Master in Theology (Korean and English), Doctorate in Missiology (Korean and English) and a Ph. D in Biblical Theology or Systematic Theology (Korean and English).

At this time of writing, our student enrollment stands at over forty students from 15 countries. More than a dozen of our alumni are presently serving in 6 countries as pastors, missionaries, church planters, theological educators, counselors and in Christian non-profit organizations.



Yong-nan Ahn, Ph. D.

PROFILE 김온유 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
담임목사 김온유
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