
Financial Information

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Financial Information

▶  대학원 전과정 및 총회인준 신학과정 증명서 발급 안내

Tuition Fee Schedule





Entrance Fees



Tuition Fees
(Per Semester)

Course Duration

Tuition Fees for the whole program


$ 600

$ 6,300

6 semesters

$ 38,400

Master in Theology

$ 500

$ 3,000

4 semesters

$ 12,500

Master of Divinity

$ 500

$ 2,700

6 semesters

$ 16,700

Master of Arts

$ 500

$ 2,700

4 semesters

$ 12,500


  평생교육원 학점은행제 증명서 발급 안내

All currency changes are based on US Dollar.

Room and Board is $300 per month.

Text books and any other academic expenses are not included in the tuition fees stated above.



◈ 증명서 발급에 관한 문의는 본교 교학처(042-257-1505~6, 내선 1번)로 문의하시기 바랍니다.

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