About ALU

Greetings from President

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Greetings from President

Our world today is changing faster than ever before. This change is marked by tremendous upheaval caused, at least in part, by competition among the nations complicated by increasing antagonism between different religions and civilizations. In such a climate of animosity where pride triumphs over humility, where greed swallows generosity, where envy causes love to flee , where wrath overwhelms kindness, where lust rules over self, where consumerism and materialism threaten to replace faith, where even zeal is poisoned by sloth, many appear left with only doubt, confusion and fear casting their dark shadows on everyday life. It is all that we can do to hope for real peace.

Real, lasting peace is found only in Jesus Christ. Nothing but the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring peace to this world . In such a time as this, Asia LIFE University (ALU) was established that we might persevere and encourage many others to persevere in the work of showing this world the light of hope and peace found only in Jesus Christ.

To effectively witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and adequately equipped with Biblical Truth. We need both the knowledge of God and the power of God given by the Holy Spirit to effectively give witness to the ends of the earth, while working toward a righteous transformation of the world today.

Therefore, along with the many blessings of the gift of Pentecost which God has given us, we believe that God has tasked ALU to train the people of God in the following areas:

Pre-Ministry Training

ALU aims to equip Christian believers who have received the Call of God in life and serve in ministry, with Biblical knowledge and Holy Spirit power from a Pentecostal perspective.

In-Service Training

Gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit, ALU aims to provide training especially in the area such as work of the Holy Spirit, baptism of the Holy Spirit, Signs and Wonders for ministers who are serving in ministry from non- Pentecostal/Charismatic background.

Training of Missionaries in Foreign Countries

Korean churches have sent more than 16,000 vocational and bi-vocataional missionaries abroad. We believe that missionaries can benefit from continuing theological training and education even after they have been deployed to the mission field. ALU has even been sending their faculty to Europe to conduct missionary training programs, and at present seven (7) students have obtained a D. Missiology degree through our combined efforts.

Training International Leaders

Inspired by the history of returning leaders trained over at Japan, as well as the spiritual blessing at Korea, ALU provides training for leaders of various nations, so that they will be equipped and trained to be effective minister of God in their home country. Currently, we have over forty students from 1 5 nations and our short-term goal is to have 50 international students in the very near future.

Developing Pentecostal Theology

IFor many decades, Pentecostalism has been disregarded as (oc)cultic practice or Christian shamanism (or Minchung Liberalism) within the world of evangelical Christianity . We believe that part of the reason why Pentecostalism has seemed so mysterious has been the lack of Pentecostal scholarship to clearly define and explain how Pentecostal faith is related to the both the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Having been graced with both, and seeking to live and worship according to both Biblical and Pneumatic principles, we believe that ALU has a role in the development of Pentecostal Theology and might even be called to take a leadership role in this area.

We believe ALU is called to encourage and equip the servants of God to be Spirit-filled Christians, rooted in Pentecostal and Evangelical theology through thorough and comprehensive study of the Bible and to enthusiastically engage in world-wide evangelism . Therefore, we strongly encourage our students to grow in the grace of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit while developing their character and skill in worshiping and serving God. In order to accomplish such a large undertaking, ALU works in close cooperation with various overseas theologians and theological institutions while retaining a highly qualified faculty with both academic credentials and missionary experience.

May we challenge you to experience a season of life-transforming training to more effectively serve our Lord and Savior as a 21st century Gospel Warrior, being filled with His Spirit of power and wisdom to bear witness to the Gospel of Peace to the all the ends of the earth! And above all, may the name of the God be glorified t hrough ALU and its faculty and staff as well as through you!
Personal record
• B. A. Chung-nam University
• M. Div. Fuller Theological Seminary
• Th. M. Princeton Theological Seminary
• Ph. D. University of Nottingham



Yongnan Ahn Jeon, Ph. D.

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스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
스데반 대학교 신학대학교 졸업
스데반 대학교 신학대학원 졸업
현재 디모데교회 담임목사
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